Eternal Rest x Avenge Sevenfold
Alright people, this is gonna be a long entry I suppose.
RP's Open House was a BLAST!
I dunno if the visitors had fun...but participants from RP had a ball!
Pictures to unfold the story..
Its darn biggg...and not done up yet...And Fiq's LOST even before he stepped foot into it.
We're STILL gonna shift when most of the blocks still looks like THIS?
Its a LOOONG way through. Told ya it was HUGE.
We weren't thinking straight. Don't ask. But nonetheless...WELCOME TO RP!
I laughed when I saw this...cos I was reminded of what Xuan & Lemon did together at Redhill campus during soccer, one rainy day. I bet its less painful here, guys. These huge stones line the shallow fountains near the entrance.
Graffiti works from RP-ians on the construction borders.
The chaotic situation downstairs. From breakdancing, biking,floorballing...blah.
Made new peeps at my booth.
Made MORE peeps with others from the 3rd floor.
Recognise this gorgeous piece of art?0107's board was up on display at the new campus!
And at the end of the day.. Friendships were made.
My booth rawked hard! We attracted not only visitors but RP kids as well.
We were having a good laugh at the people's shocked reaction when they tried our experiments and we did some of our own too.
Tyang was having a fit laughing his ass off. LOL.
It was such a gorgeous day to be out and nothing could spoil that. AND.... the bus ride to the campus took a good 1/2 hour ONLY. No more having to wake up at 6 a.m anymore. I can wake up at 7 a.m now. Wooohooo!
Another shift fer tomorrow and Tuesday and out with the peeps on Monday. I love it.