Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You Make It Real x James Morrison

Two BIG candles on the birthday cake symbolized a new coming of age for me.
When the clock struck midnight on the 26th of October '08, I turned...

(*insert "in-denial" face here*)

The boy and I went out early in the morning, to celebrate what he called "The Biggest Event of The Year" *rolls eyes*
We strolled through town to head for the birthday lunch at Carousel.
For $60++ per person, we indulged in lobsters, scallops, crème brûlée, tiramisu, white/dark chocolate mousse with macaroons... and so muchhh mooore *pats bloated tummy*

And during the course of our meal, he handed each of my gifts, starting with the handwritten letter, followed by the rest of the wrapped packages, one at a time.
Sweet, yes? *beams*

What made this year's birthday extra special was that I got me 2 birthday cakes!

The first cake was a surprise from Ms. Tina, a day before my birthday, the day the poly peeps and 3 cars ventured out for the grand-finale-visiting trip of Aidilfitri '08.
Thanks, you guys... Really sweeeeeeeeeet =)

And the other cake, was really significant to me.
Something that I'll remember for years to come.
Han, apparently, was roped in for the surprise that my family planned.
When I saw him coming out from the kitchen, into the darkened (BLACKOUT, MY FOOT!) living room, with my family and friends belting out the birthday song (with Rain echoing the last 2 words to each sentence, loudly), I burst into tears.
Hahaha *blissful sigh*

So, with birthdays...

Thank you love, for the gourmet chocolates,Lava lamp (not in picture), Baby Blues Treasury (my favourite comic!), the 'You Are So Beautiful' wind up gadget, Swarovski earrings and vintage tee.
Thank you, Tina & Yat, Lan & Lala, Diana & Zaid, Rain, Asri, Hida and Marianah for the laughter, the pictures, the memories and the singing of birthday songs x 2 and the birthday cake!
Thank you friends and family for the special birthday text messages, calls and tags.
Thank you, little sister, for the Wish perfume.
Thank you, little brother, for the Sembonia wallet.
And thank you, to my ever loving parents, for the Guess handbag, for the efforts, for the support in everything I do and for accepting my choices in life and love.

The love I feel for all of you and from all of you, is beyond measuring =)

How did we end my first day of being a 20 year old?

We spent some quality time with two of our favourite little people =D
Seeing Rifqy warm up to Han, Trisha looking up to him from his arms and the pure bliss on Han's face, was the best gift of them all.
Something warm for me to hold onto, for a long,long time.

Alas, that was my 20th =)
I guess I've gotta learn to embrace this new age and finally let go of the "I'm Forever 19" mantra.

So what if my age for the next 10 years will begin with the digit "2"?
For, right now, with my loved ones around me, I'm loving it!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Break Even x The Script

The past 2 weeks have been pretty fulfilling.

Despite the stress and tension from school, what with the finals around the corner, we managed to take a break and indulge in a little retail therapy...
To town for dresses, wedges and cute, plaid printed tanks.
To Bugis for gladiator sandals and maxi dresses.

(Fulfilled our last shopping trip before we mug hard and smart for our finals, which will be over in the next 2 weeks *crosses fingers*)
[Note: Girl with bangs - NOT Classmate]

And due to the exams, I took a 2 week study break from work and I MISS EVERYONEEEEEEE!

(One of the photos the BearBuilders took for the BABW International Magazine.)

On a final note...
...the 25th is almost here!
The long awaited jalan raya (yes, late, we know) trip with the poly mates is just 2 days away =)
Can't wait to meet up... and let's just hope there won't be any major hiccups along the way.

And as much as I'm starting to hate the a/r/m/y, Han's booking out tooommmmooorrrooow =D
I can't wait for the weekend!

Now, back to more studying... *insert depressed face here*

Monday, October 20, 2008

When I Look To The Sky x Train

Gotta stop taking things for granted.
Gotta appreciate what's mine right now.
Gotta realise that he's really giving more than me in this thing.

Because it seems that everyone around me sees the significance and beauty in this relationship.

And because, a friend said to me, "He's a keeper."
And because, trust me when I say this, because I know I don't want life without him.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Magic x Robin Thicke

Exams riggght around the bend...
And out of the 3 modules I'm taking this semester, I'm only confident of my Marketing Principles and Macroeconomics.
Accounting? Not so.

Problem is, when sitting through accounting lectures, I actually fully understand what's going on... but when I do my revision back home, I can't seem to grasp the concept... I don't know what went wrong.

But I'm sure I'll do well enough to not have to repeat this semester's modules...


p.s Thanks, love. For being the sweetest angel in the world... made me smile like a fool, all alone in the bus =)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Love Song x The Cure

Need you here to twirl a lock of my hair aimlessly as we walk, talk or sit.
Need you here to give me that very same smile, first thing every time you see me.
Need you here to pinch my nose when you think I'm not listening to you when you're talking.
Need you here to give me that grin each time we end up wearing our Everlasts together, unplanned.

I just... simply need you here.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Dendang Perantau x P. Ramlee

Salam Idulfitri to all my Muslim mates!
May the good that we've done during the month of Ramadhan bring us fruitful rewards.

For all the past, present and possibly future mistakes that I have committed/ might commit, unknowingly or on purpose, I seek forgiveness with the sincerest of apologies, with all of my heart.

Enjoy the holidays =)
And to my loved ones, can't wait to get together sometime soon and gorge on the festive goodies.
