Thank you for the laughter and love.
Star of the day was of course, the most adorable baby in the world, Izyan.
I can't get my hands off him!
Ended the day after the clock struck midnight, with H's boy's at my place, where the first thing on the agenda for him and I was to get out of our raya garb and into comfier clothes.
It doesn't get any better than this.
Thank you, God.
Star of the day was of course, the most adorable baby in the world, Izyan.
I can't get my hands off him!
Ended the day after the clock struck midnight, with H's boy's at my place, where the first thing on the agenda for him and I was to get out of our raya garb and into comfier clothes.
It doesn't get any better than this.
Thank you, God.