Saturday, December 17, 2005


Chapter Four x Avenged Sevenfold

The whole of last week was jam-packed.
Movie,pool and soccer with peeps, early morning b'day celebration with Is' family, surveying sessions with bro and dad's christmas function at his camp.
Yeah yeah...I know, unbelievable right..ME?SOCCER?...not those serious games where you eat each other's dust and kick ass...just a kickabout...I had FUN.

I expected the Christmas function to be BORING...well, it wasn't that bad.
It was held at SAFWOS or SAF Warrant Officer School.
Berets were replaced with Christmas hats, worn by the Servicemen serving us...Woots...
Name me a woman who doesn't appreciate men in uniform?
They were all super enthu and friendly...

Some of you probably know of my fear fer balloons.
Gosh,we had to play this game where you tie this bloody BIG balloon onto your ankle and you have to run around the room popping other people's balloons, while guarding your own.
I wanted to DIE down there...and we HAD to participate.

You could feel the military atmosphere there,just by the way they talk...
"Ok ladies and gentlemen, the bbq will commence at approximately twenty hundred hours, location north west of the parade square."

Random pics taken throughout.
Sis and me upon arrival at SAFWOS hall.

RSM whatshisname and US. Leaving the place already.

Girls of the family at the BBQ.Food was DAMN good.Log cake,Chicken wings, stingray..THE WORKS.

That's it, I guess.

Did I tell you that Michael Buble makes me flyyyy?Ok, he does.

Something my friend told me to think about : "Sometimes we tend to search too far and wide fer something that we WANT, but most of the time what we NEED is right in front of our noses."

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