Thursday, April 13, 2006

Best I Ever Had x Vertical Horizon

Its really,really rare that I'll experience those nightmares/sad dreams that'll result in me having real tears streaming down when I finally wake.
I hate such dreams.
It happened this morning.

Snot, mucus, tears.
The works.

I dreamt that the 0107 peeps were going to school, at Woodlands,obviously.
The same group - Lamms, Xuan, Karin, Tyang, Han and several others, I can't remember who, including me.
We were know, the route...from Woodlands Interchange to campus.
Walking happily, the usual craps and nonsense, laughter and blah.

While crossing the road, someone's wallet dropped, I can't remember who... and Xuan went back to retrieve it...but we didn't notice that the green man has already turned red.
He retrieved it...and made his way towards the group,who were waiting.
When suddenly, this huge cement mixer truck came speeding and ran over him.

I can still hear the thud of the truck hitting it really happened... like I saw it before my eyes and my ears happened to pick up that freakish sound.
It wasn't loud...but it felt farking real.

Karin went hysterical...and started screaming and crying..Lamms tried to calm her down.
Tyang and Han looked pale.
I remember feeling cold...and I started crying really,really,really,really bad.

Traffic was affected.
Xuan was brought to the hospital.
I don't know what happened next cos I was waken up by my mum and she said she can hear me from outside my room door...and she told me to get up and pray that it won't happen.

Some Malays have this believe that if you had a bad dream, and you told it to many people, it won't happen for real.

And I think I've never did a prayer in such a shaken state before.

Karin's screams was still ringing in my ears when I got up.
That horrible thud sound was too.

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