Sunday, September 30, 2007

Kekasih Gelapku x Ungu

Besides the fact that my hair now smells like almond london chocolate cookies, the house's stripped of carpets and curtains (so much so that we looked like we've been robbed) and that I cut myself with the blender blade while making hazelnut "powder" , the Hari Raya mood is sinking in really fast.

I believe this year is the year where I've made the record number of trips to Geylang, with the mum & dad, with LalaTinaMarianahHida and with Han... and it feels/looks different each time I'm there.
Weird, no?

I've fasted for 15 days straight, and then (like Tina proudly to the class a few days back), "my egg died".
To add, she innocently asked, "How do I make it "not die" the next time?".
When we told her how... she said, "But my mum will get mad at me*pouts*".
*shakes head*

Let's see... FYP2 is up and running... though we're kinda lost because there's fewer things to be done compared to the first one... or maybe we missed out a whole crapload of stuff and need to restart all over again -.-
Hopefully not. *crosses fingers*

I'm thankful with how things have been turning out lately.
Thankful for the fact that my parents are increasingly supportive of my choices in love and in life.
Thankful for the fact that I know my parents have my back no matter what choice I'll make after I graduate.
Thankful for the fact that they've welcomed Han with open arms.
Thankful for the fact that I've lovely (if not crazy) friends in school.
And thankful for the opportunities that have been bestowed upon me =)

Alhamdullilah, syukur.

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