One Day Women Will All Become Monsters x Chiodos
First and foremost, a very happy 2008 to all =)
May the new year bring all of you all the beautiful things in life.
2007 has been one heck of an unpredictable and emotional roller coaster ride.
The lowest points being losing several people I've grown really attached to, to the only thing that is certain about life; Death.
The highest being all the days I've smiled with those around me... and during days, my wet toes wriggled happily in my soak shoes because of the lovely rain... and during days, I pretend to become a Transformer and irritate the hell out of whoever that was unlucky enough to be around me at that point of time.
And of course, one of the highest points in 2007 was when I saw my Mum and Dad smile so warmly at Han as he shook their hands, with a half-shy, half-please don't hate me smile, uncertainty and unavoidable fear in his eyes.
I can't wait to see what 2008 has in store for me.
Yes, I'm afraid, because in 4 weeks time, I won't be a tertiary student anymore.
In god knows how many few months time, Han will be off to National Service (though I'm not as afraid/paranoid/freaked out/whiny as I was about it months ago).
And yes, I'm afraid that the people I love will leave me forever.
But for now, I'm going to take a deep breath and just anticipate what's next.
And no, I didn't forget.
A very,very,very happy 22nd month to us, monkeys.
Credits for picture: The bushuk sangat.