Please Please Me x The Beatles
So, the visuals from the impromptu trip to the island of Ubin.
An extremely affordable getaway for the unemployed =)
A short pit stop that we took due to the sudden downpour. Rain : Uncle, the wild boar still here?
Smiling, despite the fact that we were being attacked by sandflies.
Making our way to Chek Jawa on foot...
...which was about a 180 m away.
Chek Jawa coastlines.
Walking to the viewing tower.
Still walking...
Uh huh... still walking...
Nearly there...
Now, we climb...
and climb a bit more...
At the top... which felt pretty shaky.
The walk and climb was well worth it, for the sight that greeted us... was just breathtaking.
Lush and dense greenery and the occasional passing white clouds on the stark blue sky.
Cycling to get some well-deserved coconut juice from the Cookie Monster's place, which was owned by this very nice makcik.
Yat, wanting more coconuts after he was done with his.Rain, scraping away the coconut "flesh".
Me, nursing my aching butt after that "graceful" fall at the downhill earth tracks.
Hida, refusing to touch the coconut "flesh".
It was also the last stop before returning our bikes which we loaned 5 hours ago.
And now, reluctant faces heading back to Singapore shores =(
A swollen thumb, sandflies bitten arms and 5 lifted butts later, we made our way to Beach Road for some good hawker food.
Definitely, a trip that was well worth every single cent.
And and andddddddd, today is a BIG BIG day for Mr. Rain and myself.
Here's to hoping we do our bestest! =)