Monday, May 31, 2010

Endless Love x Lionel Richie & Diana Ross

5th birthday spent together, each more memorable than the last.
Enjoy the company of your camp mates around you right now, for I'm glad that you're not alone :)
May this new age bring you many, many opportunities, happiness, health and wealth.

I wouldn't be who I am today without you, so on the very day that you were born, 22 years ago, I celebrate you.

Happy birthday to you, the apple of my eye.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

While I continue to rant on about H, I've pretty much lost the will to blog.
I'm *this*close to being the fiercely private person I really wanna be.

But I can't shut it down cos someone'll say "You're taking away my homepage??"
To my Han, may you never steal, lie or cheat.
But if you must steal, steal my sorrows away.
If you must lie, lie with me.
And if you must cheat, cheat death, because I can't live a day without you.