On the twenty fourth day of the eighth month of the year two thousand eleven, my classmates and I were given all the rights, privileges and distinction to assess the benefits and awards from the title of Bachelor of Business (Marketing).
Singapore Insitute of Management-Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, graduands of class of 2011.
Syukur Ya Allah, for this generous opportunity from Him.
Without his guidance, I am lost and most unfortunate.
My utmost gratitude...
...to my parents for being there for me every step of the way, for being my backbone, my voice of reason and piecing me back together when I felt like I was going to fall apart.
...to my H, for being my rock, for answering my late night/early morning frantic phone calls, wiping my tears and bearing with my inconsistent schedules of work, schools, projects and exams. For believing in me during good and bad times, for always knowing what to say and for being by my side this entire ride. I will be there for you, come what may.
You are truly a man in my eyes. My man.
...to Rain, for supporting me, for being there when H couldn't be around, for calming me down when I hyperventilate. For being there when I need you (and for when I don't!).
... to Julie, Wai Leong, Qi Fan, Joseph and my other uni mates, in the words of a recent NTU valedictorian.. "We f**king did it!!* That really, truly sums it up :)
... and finally, to my family and friends, for your prayers, your support, your faith and your love.
*tosses mortarboard in the air*