Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Broken Hearted Girl x Beyonce

Aidilfitri came and went, well, for those of us who are finally done with visiting, of course.
According to Naz, it officially ends on the 20th of October.

I think it goes without saying that the days that I look forward most to during this entire holy month would be the first day of Syawal and the day my clique and I hit the roads to head to each others' houses.
In our best baju kurung and few inch heels, no less :)

Sheer, good fun!

The ladies and gents at my place.

Heading up and into Tina's home.

Tina's Dad: Awak suker tengok bola?
Han: *blank*
Tina: Dia Cina lah, ayah!
Tina's Dad: *did a double take and peered at Han's face*
You like soccer?

Idah's house, where we shifted most of the furniture around.
It felt to me like she was going to shift out!
Love the shots taken here :)

Waiting for the gents to finish their ciggs before heading up and into Di's place.
I had me some good ol' kacang phool - sunny side up egg, onions, green chilli and lime included.
The works!

And a photo of the double date gang.
Tina, can you say f-r-e-n-c-h f-r-i-e-s and 1-9-1-B?

At Linda's place where I think everyone went a little berserk after one too many glasses of sugary drinks.
We just had to attempt a couples' "10-shot" (shutter shots), but as seen above, we failed miserably.
The fun more than made up for it, though :)

With the convoy of 4 cars, we headed east to north to west...
I wouldn't change anything about that day, mishaps and all.
We ended on an exhausting, but high note, watching a couple of cars get $70 summon coupons slapped onto their windscreen, at Rain's place, slightly after midnight.
Its an understatement to say that I love my friends.

Next year, we'll have one more married couple added to our gang :)

Looking forward to planning and executing the Hen Night party!

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