Monday, April 03, 2006

Five Against The World x S.O.T.Y

Farhana darling... Here's my 7 qualities.

If you've been tagged, you are to come with 7 qualities of your ideal perfect lover.

1. do specify the gender
2. then, list down qualities and tag another 7 people on their pages
3. if you've been tagged before, you need not do this again

Have Fun!

Gender : Males (duh)

Ok...the qualities are as follows, in no particular order:

1. Has to be taller than me...cos if he's shorter..I weird lar
2. Low profile and if he's a TAD shy,it's good...cos,when they get all shy..awww *pinch* KK *ahem*
but NOT SISSY shy.That'll be IRRITATING.Like...tough guy shy..y'know? I dunno how to explain SO DON'T MAKE ME.
3. Stays the same...cos I wanna love and be with the guy I fell for before we got together (if we ever get together that is)
4. Someone I know my parents would approve of...cos if they don't, things aren't gonna run that smooth
5. Unpredictable and spontaneous...cos things would get boring if I know what's his next move
6. Isn't afraid to be mushy when there's a need too...cos I need TLC =)
7. Walks into a shop selling all girly stuff with me when I go shopping...cos it shows that he's secure of his manhood and isn't chauvinistic

Ok. I guess that's it.

Aiyar...just look know.. and you know what's my idea of my ideal partner.

Don't make me say the name please

I have no idea who to tag, though.

So, yea...

Kk...I need to get ready..
Gonna go see baby sis perform at Kallang Theatre.

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