Saturday, June 24, 2006

Err Time x Nelly

You know how people...well, particularly Guys, really feel that ...

"When a girl says one thing, she actually means the opposite"

I don't know about the rest of the female population...but we can't blame them I guess. I mean, most of my galfriends and I ARE these sorts of "I-Really-Mean-The-Total-Opposite".

I mean...Reality Check: **

Situation One:
Boy: Hey, honey! I bought "fill in the blank" for you...No reason....Just wanted to get you something. Hope you like it, sweetie.
Girl: Awwww shucks...How many times have I told you NOT to waste your money on me!? Don't do this again lar...I'll feel guilty *can't help but grins widely*

Ok, tell me...which normal human being, irregardless of gender, WOULDN'T be touched or hugely appreciate this small gesture. It makes you appreciate the giver a whole lot more. Even though they say "Don't do this again".... they'll be doubly, triply, quadraply touched if the guy/galfriend DID do it the next time. Its common sense and its only natural they feel that way.

Situation 2:
Boy: Eh, you sure you don't mind watching Attack of The Blasted Goggly Brain Aliens In Space IV?
Girl: Yeah sure, it's fine I suppose... *sulks but doesn't show"

I mean, come on... They're just saying they don't mind cos, in actual fact, they don't wanna watch flying mucus brains splatter on the screen..but then again, they don't want to appear "demanding". We don't have to watch some cheesy romantic chick flick, right? Horror flicks are still the best, I guess.

Alright. I do agree (and I'm saying these as a female) that girls ARE complicated creatures.

We won't show what we really wanna say. We expect you to get understand us instantly.

Yes, its unfair... but thats how we are. We appreciate spontaneity. Girls find that trait particularly attractive, I believe.

Lads, if you wanna send a lady home, make sure you do, unless she's REALLY persistent that she doesn't want you to. She's only saying "You don't have to..." and "No need lar..." cos she really wants to see how much more time you wanna spend with much you wanna send her home... and that mere 10 minute walk home could work wonders...and who knows...

Sparks may FLY.

OMG. I'm startin to sound like Oprah Winfrey. I swear I can go on... but let's stop here. Just wanted to get these thoughts, that had been bugging my mind all week long, off the top of my head.

**No relation to the current relationship, thank you.

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