Monday, July 24, 2006

Syafiq's my bro.
At least someone in the household is happy and fulfilled =(
And the contact on top is his ex-girlfriend. She's tired of tryina stich her broken heart up... and obviously, tired of waiting too.
I didn't know my bro can be soooo mushy lar... Even I don't put those sorta nicks up.
But then again... Maybe, we're experiencing a different sort of love.

Today alone, approximately 9 people was particularly interested with my love life.
Everyone seemed to ask the same question
"You're walkin to campus alone?That's a first...Why arh?"
"Eh, you and Beng Han still together not...?"
"Eh, you not meeting your Ah Boy arh? Break-up is it...?"
"Kau ngan Beng Han masih on ke tak sial?"

Wah piang, I tell you.
Everytime someone comes up to me and asks, my heart goes a few inches lower down my gut.
Does it seem like we're not together anymore?
I wanna rant, but there's nothing I could say that would be apt enough to summarise what I feel.
We're still together...maybe, not as strong...but we need time to sort out certain stuff.

I appreciate the concern, I really do...

But it feels to me like, everyone just wants to know for the sake of knowing.
I don't think anyone really cares if we're still going on or not?

People can only say,people can only ask... but in the end, its still up to the both of us to see if we can work this out.

I believe that this entry is the first of its kind.
Apologies for the seriousness. I don't really feel like me right now.

Its like...I'm outside...looking in.
Tryina get back in..but then again, I don't really wanna be in my own shoes right now.
Oh,don't worry Nana...I still want my can't have them, bitch.

I thank God I've got people like Zann, Linda & Lala.
Their nonsenses and chaoticism makes me laugh all the time.
And its not those sorta forced laughter either.
It's those that comes straight from the belly, tickles your heart and guffaws out your lips.

It my getaway from reality, you see.

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